Friday, 28 July 2017

Keep Your Health Worries at a Bay with Oriental Insurance Health Plans

With increasing lifestyle diseases, having a health insurance plan is an augment. The hefty medical bills for considerably small to large illness always a pain and may drain you financially. Finally, you end up burning a hole in your savings. With escalating medical expenses, you even compromise on the quality of health care when it comes to affordability. The importance of a health plan is realised here, which cover you or your family in a critical health condition and you don’t require to compromise on the quality.

With the health insurance market dominating by various leading insurance companies, Oriental Insurance Company has joined the race with various insurance products. Oriental insurance medicalim is one of them, which has started gaining attention from the customers due to the benefits and services offered. There is a sneak peek on various health insurance plans offered by the company. 

Types of Health Plans Offered by Oriental Insurance Company
  • ·         Oriental Insurance Individual Health Policy
  • ·         Oriental Insurance Group Policy
  • ·         Happy Family Floater Health Insurance Policy
  • ·         Overseas Mediclaim policy
  • ·         Health of Privileged Elders
  • ·         Jan Arogya Policy
  • ·         PNB Oriental Royal Mediclaim
  • ·         Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana


Plan Name
Sum Assured
Pre & Post Hospitalisation Terms
Pre-existing Ailment Cover
Oriental Insurance Individual Health Policy

·         Avail family discount if more members are included in the policy
·         Hospitalisation costs, ambulance costs, ICU expense, consultation fee, surgeon fee, anaesthesia, specialist fee are covered, blood, operation theatre costs, oxygen etc.
·         Daily hospital cost
·         In case of person beyond 65 years old, no medical check-up is required
·         Lifelong renewability
·         Personal accidental cover on optional basis
50,000 to 5 lakh
Pre hospitalisation expense for 30 days prior to the hospitalisation and 60 days post hospitalisation is provided.
Pre-existing illness are covered after a waiting period of 4 years
Oriental Insurance Group Policy

·         Hospitalisation costs for a minimum of 24 hours, ambulance costs, ICU expense, consultation fee, surgeon fee, anaesthesia, specialist fee are covered, blood, operation theatre costs, oxygen etc.
·         Ambulance costs
·         Hospitalisation cost incurred by an organ donor

Pre hospitalisation expense for 30 days prior to the hospitalisation and 60 days post hospitalisation is provided.
Pre-existing illness are covered after a waiting period of 3 years
Happy Family Floater Health Insurance Policy

·         Maternity costs are covered
·         Organ donor benefit is available when policyholder is the donor
·         New born baby coverage
·         Day care facilities
·         Daily hospital allowance
·         Domiciliary hospitalisation expenses
·         Personal accidental cover
1.5 to 10 lakh
Pre-existing illness are covered after a waiting period of 4 years
Overseas Mediclaim policy

INR 50,000 to 5 lakh
Pre-existing illness are covered after a waiting period of 4 years
Health of Privileged Elders

·         Hospitalisation expenses, ICU cost, Surgeon cost, consultation fee, X-ray, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Expenses, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Anaesthesia, artificial limbs etc.
·         Domiciliary hospitalisation costs
·         No Claim Discount
·         Cashless benefit through TPA up t INR 1 lakh

INR 1 to 5 lakh
Only covers critical diseases
Jan Arogya Policy

·         Domiciliary hospitalisation benefit
·         Hospitalisation costs if admitted for 24 hours or more
·         Day care treatment
·         Expenses of blood test, oxygen, anaesthesia, X-ray, Dialysis, pacemaker, medicines & drugs, radiotherapy etc.
INR 5000 PA
Pre hospitalisation expense for 30 days prior to the hospitalisation and 60 days post hospitalisation expense is provided.
Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana

·         Personal accident benefit
·         Hospitalisation expense
·         Ayurvedic / Homoeopathic / Unani treatment, Hospitalisation expenses are
·         covered only if the patient is admitted to a Government Hospital

Up to INR 10 lakh
Pre-existing illness are covered after a waiting period of 4 years

With skyrocketing inflation, it is hard to find best health care at an affordable or cheapest price. So it is better to have a good health insurance plan with maximum coverage. With Oriental Insurance health plans, you need not worry about the additional expenses or to compromise on the quality of health care. For detail information, you can browse over company’s official website! 

Read more here : Oriental Insurance Individual Mediclaim Health Insurance

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